References Isolation and characterization of the new Klebsiella pneumoniae J2B strain showing improved growth characteristics with reduced lipopolysaccharide formation. Critical review on the current scenario and significance of crude glycerol resulting from biodiesel industry towards more sustainable renewable energy industry. Two-stage conversion of crude glycerol to energy using dark fermentation linked with microbial fuel cell or microbial electrolysis cell.
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Glycerol degradation in single-chamber microbial fuel cells. The switch uses a snap-action mechanism. The pushbuttons are available with either momentary or alternative actions. The snap-action switch has a double break movement which operates independently of the speed of switching. The contacts are made from gold-flashed silver. They are suitable for emergency stop and safety.
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The Michaelis constants K m , mM were 0. These results indicate that, under physiological conditions, DhaT mostly catalyzes the forward reaction. DhaT was highly unstable when incubated with its own substrate 3-HPA, indicating the necessity of enhancing its stability for improved 1,3-PD production from glycerol. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Rent this article via DeepDyve. Zeng, A.
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