Review Linux Mint 9 "Fluxbox". Review Linux Mint 9 "Xfce". Review Linux Mint 9. Review Linux Mint 8 "Xfce". Review Linux Mint 8 "Fluxbox". Review Linux Mint 8. Review Linux Mint 7 "Xfce". Review Linux Mint 7 'Gloria'. Review Linux Mint 6 Fluxbox. XMission Internet. Netix Ltd. University of Ruse. UPC Ceska republika. Be a Lama, Inc. Dark Penguin Network. FH Aachen. Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Funkfreunde Landshut e.
Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. NetCologne GmbH. Netzwerge GmbH. University of Frankfurt. Hellenic Telecommunications Organization. MyAegean team, University of the Aegean. University of Crete. Tele Greenland. Quantum Mirror. University of Latvia. Eric Kochen. Triple IT. From the command-line, two new commands are available to offload to GLX or to Vulkan: nvidia-optimus-offload-glx nvidia-optimus-offload-vulkan To boost compatibility and make it easier to boot Linux Mint 20 in live mode without NVIDIA drivers, "nomodeset" was also added to the "Compatibility Mode".
Blueberry, mintupdate, mintreport, nm-applet, mate-power-manager, mate-media, redshift, rhythmbox all use XAppStatusIcon and give the tray a consistent look in Mint Cinnamon 4.
The new version tries to prioritize content and navigation and to delay thumbnails as much as possible. As a result, the content of directories shows up with generic icons before the thumbnails are rendered, but the improvement in performance is quite noticeable. In the Display Settings, it is now possible to set the refresh rate. With Cinnamon 4. In normal mode the resolution you set is the resolution you see. Take a 13" Macbook Retina A display like this one looks perfect in px and that unfortunately means reducing the actual resolution to px and not using HiDPI.
Another issue with HiDPI is multi-monitor support. You could plug an external monitor to this Macbook in the hope to stay in HiDPI on the laptop but to be in normal mode on the monitor.
That wasn't possible before though, either all screens or none at all could be in HiDPI Fractional scaling addresses these limitations. Middle-clicking the keyboard applet cycles keyboard layouts. Cinnamon screensaver supports custom commands, making it possble to use alternative screen lockers with Cinnamon. XApps improvements Xed received the ability to join lines together and to remove trailing whitelines before saving files.
Xviewer received fullscreen and diaporama toolbar buttons and remembers if its window was maximized. In Xreader a print button was added to the toolbar. Other improvements Gdebi, the tool used to open and install. The login screen Slick Greeter supports stretching backgrounds across multiple monitors. System improvements Apturl switched backend from Synaptic to Aptdaemon. APT recommends are enabled by default for newly installed packages not for upgrades.
Snapd is disabled by default and APT packages are not allowed to install it. Live sessions running under Virtualbox automatically get their resolution bumped to a minimum of x This release ships with linux-firmware 1. Artwork improvements The Mint-Y theme provides a nice variety of colors. A community project was started on Github to gather feedback and fine-tune these colors to find the right balance between colorful vibrant hues and contrast levels which don't take the user's focus away from the content being shown on the screen.
Yellow folders are also available. Main components Linux Mint 20 features Cinnamon 4. Software similar to Linux Mint 6. Linux Kernel 5.