We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Hell, sometimes just a visit to the PlayStation Store can be fraught with delays and spinning progress wheels.
The true causes of this may not be provable or knowable, but one network specialist has taken a long look at the issue and has some recommendations that may help. The very short explanation is that closing all games and applications seems to work.
Juho Snellman, a systems programmer in Zurich, Switzerland, cautions that there may be other reasons for a slow download that are specific to a user's network or internet service provider. This is a great circular firing squad where Sony could blame your cable company which can blame your router and back and then no one ever has to be responsible. But Snellman says he observed a jaw droppingly small "receive window" when anything was running in the background on the PS4. Snellman says he ran two tests, the first with the download running in the foreground but a Netflix application running in the background.
When the Netflix app closed, the receive window increased significantly. So Snellman began a second test that introduced all kinds of different background functions to see what would happen. In one, the game Styx: Shards of Darkness idled in its title screen. That shrank the receive window to 7 KB. Snellman stresses this the artificial limit "appears to only apply to PSN downloads" — i. And, notably, running the console's built-in speed test will not reveal the reduced download capacity.
When was the last time you tested your internet speed? If your internet speed is slow to begin with, nothing you do to your PS4 is going to improve things. Test your connection using a laptop or desktop computer by going to Speedtest. Browse All iPhone Articles Browse All Mac Articles Do I need one? Browse All Android Articles Browse All Smart Home Articles Customize the Taskbar in Windows Browse All Microsoft Office Articles What Is svchost. Browse All Privacy and Security Articles Browse All Linux Articles Browse All Buying Guides.
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For the moment though we are inclined to trust the conclusions that John Glasscock comes to in his videos, as he combines networking expertise with a thorough testing method to come to the conclusion that a lower MTU setting does not impact download speeds or latency on the PS4.
For gamers looking for more effective proven ways to reduce lag for online gaming, check out the following methods which definitely have been proven to work for some people:. See also our Gamers Section for links to accessories and some of the latest releases. Online gamer and general home networking enthusiast. I like to create articles to help people solve common home networking problems. There's lot of talk of IP addresses nowadays, and it's even relatively easy to find the IP address of your device using online tools or through network settings.
But are IP addresses actually unique Skip to content. Tweet Pin Share. Faster Downloading??? Lower Ping??? Continue Reading.