Now you have the PDF file where you can do what you will with it. The added benefit is that you control where the download goes from the start. The solution is simple: select the folder you want before clicking on Save. But you do have to be watching and paying attention to the download location to know whether or not you need to do that. Or you can simply do it every time. For example, clicking on the Documents library in the left hand pane of the Save As… dialog will set the download location in one click.
Subscriber Account active since. With all of the amazing features available on Android , like a high definition camera, apps for everything, lighting fast processing power, and so on, there is one thing that can be less than convenient: the difficulty of finding downloaded files.
It's almost as if your smartphone's downloads disappear just as soon as the transfer of data has been completed. In fact, unless you know where to look, on some phones that's effectively what happens.
So let's tell you where to look for downloads on your Android phone. It's a little place called the app drawer. Spotify Shuffle Play Button. Windows 11 Performance.
Edge Shopping Features. Spotify Lyrics. Windows 11 Mute Keyboard Shortcut. Edge Buy Now Pay Later. Windows 10 November Update. Apple Self Service Repair. Find Downloaded Files on an iPhone. Use Your iPhone as a Webcam. Hide Private Photos on iPhone. Take Screenshot by Tapping Back of iPhone. Should You Upgrade to Windows 11? If you select the Save option, you can specify where to save the file, including the desktop , Documents folder , or any other location.
You can also find your Downloads folder in any File Explorer window. Or, as pictured below, you can click the File Explorer icon on your Taskbar. In your File Explorer window, navigate to your Downloads folder using the shortcut in the left pane or by clicking Downloads under other headings, such as Frequent Folders. Create a shortcut to your downloads folder to quickly get access to it from the desktop. See: How to create a Windows shortcut. Then, click Downloads in the left pane.
You can also access your downloads using the link on the Dock. In the lower-right corner of the dock, click Downloads. Your most recent downloads spring out of the dock. Android phones and tablets include an app called Files or My Files , depending on the manufacturer. And before that, he was a film journalist. Michael is a published author; his book Epiphany Jones was voted as one of the best novels about Hollywood by Entertainment Weekly. Frequently Asked Questions.
The Files app is free. It is made by Apple and comes preinstalled on every iPhone. Michael Grothaus.