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Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Forensic Sci. Hannum G. Genome-wide methylation profiles revealquantitative views of human aging rates. Cell 49 : — Horvath S. DNA methylation age of human tissues andcell types. Hsieh R. Age-dependent respiratory functiondecline and DNA deletions in human muscle mitochondria. Ito G. Gene analysis of signal-joint T cellreceptor excision circles and their relationship to age in dogs.
Koch C. Epigenetic-aging-signature to determineage in different tissues. Aging Albany,N. Koscinczuk P. Radiological and biochemical evaluationof bone growth in young dogs. Acta Physiol. Lee H. Differential accumulations of 4, bpdeletion in mitochondrial DNA of various tissues in human ageing.
Acta — Oncotarget 6 — Manders P. Marioni R. DNA methylation age of blood predictsall-cause mortality in later life. Meissner C. Detection of the age-dependent bpdeletion of mitochondrial DNA. A pilot study. Legal Med. Predicting human age with bloodstains bysjTREC quantification. Detection and quantification of theage-related sjTREC decline in human peripheral blood. Pradhan M. Systems biology approach to stage-wisecharacterization of epigenetic genes in lung adenocarcinoma.
BMC Syst. Reinert T. Comprehensive genome methylation analysisin bladder cancer: identification and validation of novel methylated genes andapplication of these as urinary tumor markers. Cancer Res. Ren F. Estimation of human age according totelomere shortening in peripheral blood leukocytes of Tibetan. Forensic Med. Seoudi K. X-ray examination of epiphyseal union asan aid to the estimation of the age in dogs.
Soares Bispo Santos Silva D. Evaluation of DNA methylation markers andtheir potential to predict human aging. Electrophoresis 36 — Tan W. Detectability of secretagogin in humanerythrocytes. Tsuji A.
Estimating age of humans based ontelomere shortening. Weidner C. Yazawa M. Telomere length and telomerase activityin canine mammary gland tumors. Age-related DNA methylation changes forforensic age-prediction. Zubakov D. Estimating human age from T-cell DNArearrangements. With Pop up Blocker Pro you can surf the Web with complete peace-of-mind, knowing that Pop up Blocker Pro protects you from unwanted data becoming permanently hidden in your PC, without the possibility to recover it.
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