You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Olle Recruit 23 Badges. Apr 23, 5 2. Hi, there I've been trying to get mods to work in ck2 I've tried to uninstall the game multiple times but it just doesn't work. I just can't select them. Look wat I've attached I just can't press the mod folder Note I got the steam key from humble bundle Can any of you help me.
Crusader kings. Spaninq Logoarch 56 Badges. Dec 24, Try the User Modifications subforum. Ixarys Second Lieutenant 16 Badges. Apr 2, Probably because your mods are into the wrong folder. If you downloaded them manually, you must put your mods in the folder tree I explained sooner.
If the folder tree is not complet, you must create the missing files. If you're familiar with Git, you can ignore this.
If you have questions about anything, including modding CK2 and such, my Discord is Domaxs Talk to Squirrel in the server for more info. Skip to content. Star 0. Steam workshop sucks so things are moving here, Ta-da! Branches Tags. Deleted mods from mod folder. Made a collection of them. Uninstalled CK2 again. Launched without mods sub.
Then exited and subed to the collection. Still not fixed WTF! Gorgo View Profile View Posts. Man, I can't thank you enough for your answer for cloud synchronization for both Steam and CK2!
I am embarrassed to mention how many hours 2 days I wasted on different solutions that did not work. If needed, rollback to an older patch , using Steam Beta tab.
In case of manual installation, the steps are usually the following refer to specific mod instructions, if any :. Some smaller mods may be timeless, but most often a mod is only compatible with a specific vanilla patch , and players need to check the version and potentially rollback to an older patch. In addition mods may be incompatible with each others, if they modify the same vanilla files or entities graphic sprites, defines, Refer to the mod FAQs for known incompatibilities.
The mods are sorted alphabetically. You should make sure the download region is close to the exact physical location of your PC. Select Downloads from the vertical menu and then change the Download Region to the appreciate country on the right-hand pane and click on OK.
Download Partition Wizard. Summary : It is reported that lots of users are vexed by the Steam Workshop not downloading mods issue. Delete the Broken Mods Fix 2.
Clear the Corrupt Download Cache Fix 3. Opt-out of Steam Beta Programs Fix 4. Change the Download Region User Comments.