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Be sure to have a light for each tunnel as they are nearly a mile in length. Great day for a ride. The only section not paved is the few mile detour just South of Brandon to a little before the Kennerdell Tunnel.

The detour is due to the trail ends then you have to go on a dirt road section for a few miles before returning back to the actual paved trail. It was a weekday and the trail had few people on it but they were friendly. We stopped and talked to some along the way. Once back in Franklin at a tripometer reading of 44, went North onto the Justus trail and back to Franklin to round the trip off to 50 miles.

Once you leave Franklin, heading South, be prepared with water and snacks because there is nothing until you would get all the way to Emlenton! Very beautiful and peaceful trail to ride along the Allegheny River.

Take a strong and bright flashlight to get through the two tunnels as you will definitely need one per person. I will definitely return from the Pittsburgh area to ride this trail again!!!

I did this trail last year and it was really nice. As of June , there are many tree roots that have uplifted the asphalt many places. I broke 2 spokes and the front wheel hub is loose from this. Maybe the bearings are loose from the asphalt. I doubt it will be an easy fix if it can be done at all. And it can only get worse over time. Thats the problem with asphalt trails where are trees close by. Friendly people along the trail. Several miles near Franklin are open where there is no shade so be prepared.

Starting in Emlenton there is plenty of shade. Biked from Franklin to South of Brandon where the asphalt ends and gravel section starts. The gravel section is approx 1. From Franklin to this point is Biked back up to Franklin for a nice 25 mile round trip.

To get the additional miles in, once in Franklin jumped on the Samuel Justus trail into Oil City and back. Great Saturday for a ride. Good amount of people out on the trail as well as enjoying the Allegheny River which follows the trail. As far as trail services, once you head South out of Franklin there is nothing so be prepared with water and snacks. Franklin PA is a fairly decent sized town with gas stations, restaurants and other stores.

Great trail. Not a big issue if you are riding a trail bike. But a road bike is possible. I had to walk my High Wheel on that section. The paved surface made it easy-going until the detour at MP13 , and the scenery was beautiful. As has been said in previous reviews, there's a definite dearth of facilities away from the towns.

Even a bench here and there to take a break at would be an improvement. It is possible to ride the unimproved section of the trail south of Emlenton, but be warned that trail conditions rapidly deteriorate from gravel to rock, to dirt, and then inches-thick mud before you're greeted by a chain across the path and "No Trespassing" signs about two miles in. At this point, you're only about a mile from Foxburg, so hopefully the ART folks can work it out with whoever controls the property or properties to be able to close that gap.

Parked in Franklin at the Saltbox visitor center and biked to just South of Brandon and back which is Nice asphalt pavement the entire way. At the To continue on the trail you have to take a bumpy gravel dirt road for a few miles then the trail does pick up again at the Kennerdell tunnel for more miles of asphalt. Basically flat trail follows the Allegheny River. From Franklin the Belmar Bridge is approx 5 miles and go another 3.

A nice 25 mile round trip is from Franklin to where the asphalt ends, and back. Franklin PA is mile 0. I walk regularly on this trail from the Emlenton trailhead for mild exercise. I'll walk for a mile or perhaps a bit more before returning.

I've also been on the Parker-Foxburg trail section but only once in a while. As long and as far as I've walked it, it has been maintained in good shape; flat, paved and, except for maybe a fallen tree, free of obstructions.

Winter, of course, you'll be in snow; it isn't plowed. Once in a while you might encounter the tractor mowing the grass along the side. The Emlenton trailhead has a portable toilet this year ; its been clean when I've used it.

A trash can is also at the trailhead. Emlenton has an IGA grocery store should you want snacks, and there is a pizza shop in town on the main road.

I drove 5 hours just to do this ride and was not disappointed. I rode this on my 54" High Wheel. This is a really nice trail to ride. Two long tunnels that are DARK, so make sure you have a really good light. Reflectors in the tunnels will help when the lights hit them. IF you are using a road bike, you should walk it, if using a trail bike, you will be fine I had to walk my High Wheel, took about 25 minutes to do each way.

There is a small section that the tree roots have uprooted the asphalt, but it's just a very small section. Regular bikes will be fine I still give this 5 stars. Biked from Franklin to the Belmar Bridge. The 3rd trail that day on the Allegheny Valley Trails Association trail. Also biked Samuel Justus and Sandy Creek.

From Franklin to the Belmar Bridge is approx 5 miles. Trail follows the river and is basically flat and asphalt paved. New pavement within the past few years. Trail services in Franklin but nothing as you travel South. Great all around trail. My wife and I did several sections of this absolutely wonderful trail. We were surprised to discover that the trail is paved from the Saltbox to Emlenton.

The scenery was great, the ride was great and the volunteer staff at the Saltbox was great. I only have a couple of cons for the trail. Bathrooms are difficult to come by in some of the more remote sections of the trail. There are ample bathroom facilities close to Franklin, but few were available from the Rockland tunnel until you hit the Sandy Creek Trail. Another issue was finding parking areas between Emlenton and Sandy Creek. The two tunnels were gorgeous, but the Rockland Tunnel needs some work due to water leakage into the tunnel.

Overall, we were pleasantly surprised at what a gem this trail turned out to be. We definitely plan on returning. Parking area in Franklin holds a large number of cars. Also picnic area at the parking lot. Trail is flat and asphalt paved in very good condition. Trail follows the Allegheny River. This trial seamlessly connects with the Samuel Justus Trail. Pros: spectacular scenery, paved surface, history, tunnels! Never seems to get packed like sections of the Great Allegheny Passage do on summer weekends or holidays.

Second, the stubborn property owner and the ROW issue really need a solution so that the trail is seamless end to end. The GAP and the parent company of Sandcastle finally finally worked out a right of way solution, as they did with a warehouse at the Waterfront. It can be done. We drove to Emlenton where we picked up the trailhead and headed north. The scenery was beautiful riding along the river. Being October, the trail was heavily covered in fallen leaves, which made it difficult to see the hooved up asphalt on the trail.

We were surprised that the trail was so bumpy, and it made for careful riding. There was one spot just north of the first tunnel that was very bad where water bottles bounced out of my basket onto the trail.

Some kind of marking would definitely be helpful in that spot. The tunnels were exciting and scary at the same time, especially meeting riders coming from the opposite direction. The reflectors are positioned so the trail is split into two lanes through the tunnel, but we found it difficult to stay in one lane without running over the middle reflectors.

Next time I will get a headlamp and not hold a flashlight. We weren't sure what to expect from the detour after reading others' reviews. I have to say it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be.

The detour took us onto a wide uphill rocky path - great for mountain bikes but not road bikes. We pushed our bikes on the inclines and rode on the downhill grades. I have to caution other riders on the last long, downhill grade. Even with braking to a slow ride, I still skidded out and wrecked into a ditch. First wipe out for me. My husband said we were feet from reconnecting to the asphalt trail. It is constant peddling either direction.

It was definitely a ride to remember and well worth the minute drive from NE Ohio. As others have stated, you need to carry adequate fluids and be prepared if nature calls. We only saw the one porta potty at the trail head in Emlenton. Because we thoroughly researched the reviews, we were prepared. We rode from Emlenton to Brandon, covering Next time we will go to Oil City and ride south and cover that section of trail. I would give the trail a Very nice falls with old iron furnace just down stream.

Back downhill to bike path continued toward Franklin through the second tunnel. Turned around at the landowners that won't allow passage across their property the trail does continue past them though.

Nice ride! We went from Kennerdell to Foxburg. The first part of the trail was great. A fun tunnel, nice views along the Allegheny River, benches and white picket fences along the bike ride. After Emlenton, there is no easy path to Foxburg. We wanted the winery to be our midway point, so we trudged through the undeveloped trail from Emlenton to Foxburg Winery.

If this path ever gets paved, remove trees, and overall maintained, this route would get 5 stars. I strongly recommend doing extensive research before attempting to locate and ride the Allegheny River Trail. Please note the following. The road is washed out and is not maintained in the winter.

Anything smaller than a medium sized SUV would likely return without a muffler. The trail is beautiful but seven miles South of the bridge at East Sandy the trail is cut off and detours into rough gravel due to an earlier washout and the property owner not wanting bikers on his land.

All in all the trail is beautiful but requires research and precise navigation. It is advisable to access the Allegheny River Trail from the opposite side of the river where there is a small parking area near the Sandy Creek Trail or the Brandon Trailhead south of East Sandy. The historic railroad tunnels are best accessed from the emlenton end. This is certainly a beautiful trail in a spectacular natural setting and with a lot of history, too. Thanks to all the other reviewers for their helpful comments.

I'd like to add a stronger pitch for at least a few port-a-potties along the way. Seriously, 32 miles with hardly any public toilet facilities??? We started in Emlenton, where there IS a port-a-potty which we foolishly ignored, and biked up 10 miles, when we suddenly wished we could find a toilet.

Finally we turned around when other riders told us that nothing was available. We're from Wisconsin where there is generally a little town every 5 to 7 miles from the days when steam engines need to take on water that often, and you can usually find a bathroom if you'd like to do the opposite.

Maybe Pennsylvania could do the same. This is a wonderful trail. If like me you read the other reviews and wondered exactly where the gap in the trail is, the north end starts at N Kent road, north of the tunnel by Kennerdell. So if you want to see either tunnel, start from the south end and ride north. Also: note that while this does intersect the Sandy River trail, they are not at the same elevation. You must climb a steep flight of wooden steps to get up to the other trail. Overall, we loved the trail and its incredible scenery.

The Foxburg Inn was great and we highly recommend it. Two drawbacks to an otherwise superb ride, one small, one large. First, the small: There are spots along the trail, especially in the southern half, where tree roots have pushed up the asphalt. A few of these difficult-to-see spots go beyond merely bone jarring and into the realm of dangerous both to bike and rider.

They could easily be marked. Second, the. By the time we reached the end of the detour, we were so PO-ed that it was difficult to regain the sense of gratitude that had built up in us during the first 13 miles. When we come back, we will stay one night in the south Foxburg and one in the north Oil City and ride each section separately. The experience of this fine trail is too special to be ruined by the idiot landowner who denies right-of-way. I've been on this trail several times and it's probably one of my favorite places to ride my bike!

Recently I started in Emlenton, rode to the Kennerdell Tunnel and back. It's best to take a light since there are two dark tunnels to go through. If you take your time you might be able the see some deer, geese, birds, or other wildlife along the way. There's also nice resting areas that offer great views of the Allegheny River.

We started on the little section of trail in Parker, thinking it would be easy to hop over from Foxburg to Emlenton on the roads - I would not recommend doing this. The short little Parker trail was idyllic, but the few miles from that trail's end to the next trail head in Emlenton was harrowing riding on a main road - I believe? However, the rest of the ride to Oil City was quite enjoyable even though it rained through most of Day 1.

As others have noted, there is a section of trail blocked by a landowner, and the detour around it is tricky kids and inexperienced riders might have some trouble on the rockier sections, especially if it is wet as it was during our ride.

The tunnels were fun, and we were glad to have our headlights along for them as they are quite dark. On the way back, we tried a different route from Emlenton to Foxburg, which was a different kind of challenge a "roller coaster" township road with lots of loose, chunky gravel , which I would also not recommend doing. However, we rewarded ourselves with some samples at the Foxburg winery and made it the rest of the way.

Leisurely ride to Franklin. Path was stellar. Smooth and level. The tunnels were an adventure. The detour at Sunny Slopes is a big disappointment and the road is not maintained well, so be prepared to dismount if you're on a road bike. Ridiculous and mean-spirited. Lovely path, full of interesting sights and not crowded at all. Stopped for a ride on my way to NYC.

Got an airbnb about a mile from the trail head in Emlenton, PA. Road to the bottom of the trail and back. Lovely scenery with a lot of shade along the way.

Was only 80 degrees when I came through and I was told by my bnb host I lucked out on the weather not sure what it's normally like there. One thing I'll say in warning is that there are two tunnels on this trail which are somewhere from. There are reflectors on the path, but if you don't have a light with you, don't proceed bring a light! Even with a light it was still a bit creepy.

The lower tunnel was also quite chilly. The upper one was only a bit cooler then the outside, but was very wet. I will be returning as I believe this links up with several other trails. I had to go slow around those places so as not to collide with the clueless, but they were mostly just kids having fun, so I didn't mind. The majority of the trail was largely human free. After visiting out of state we were returning home and decided to stop in Emlenton for the night.

The next morning we rode from emlenton to the Kendrell Tunnel. The trail was empty and and conditions were great. It was the first time we rode through tunnels that really required headlights.

It was awesome. I plan on going back and riding the other connecting trails. Lucky for us the information center at Franklin was open.

We were told about the land owner near mile 13 that has the trail blocked. Riders have created a detour around the property but it is a very rough ride.

Other then that it was a beautiful trail. Curriculum Materials. Add Event. Main Menu Home. Annual Impact. Curriculum Materials Compelling. Policy connections. Mock Trial A fictional criminal case. Aaron, Mock Trial Alum. Phoebe, Mock Trial Student. Board of Directors Tireless. Summer couple cycling on the beach. Vector Art: Bikes. Old Time Bicycle Vectors. Vector Transportation Icon Set on Gray. Bicycle Silhouette Vectors Free.

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